
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wringing out the old year.

So, I've done a pretty crap job of keeping up on this blog for, well, since before Thanksgiving. I blame the holidays. Though, I did set out a challenge for Maria and I to blog everyday from before Thanksgiving till Christmas. Clearly, clearly, I got distracted. I would like to blame the lack of food pictures to Andrew's never ending tooth issues. Hopefully the last of his root canal will be finished on Monday.But, I've cooked since then and taken pictures. I showed some art in December as well. I coulda wrote about that. No folks, I'm just plum bad at this. Is it plumb or plum?

I went to Chicago. I gained three pounds in seven days. I'm pretty sure I've gained a little more than that all together since the "holiday season" began. However, Andrew and I did get gym memberships. Double however, we have not gone lately, as in pretty much since Kenyon, our stoked on life 24-hour fitness representative, signed us up. It's been because of the root canal I swear. Everything will change after Dr. Larsen guts the rest of Andrew's back molar.

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